Update! We Finally Got A Response From Gustavo! (3/10/2005)

We are pleased to announce that the elusive man himself finally responded to our fan website!!! Fan club member Anna finally received this email yesterday. Please enjoy the screenshot below. -GFC Moderator Laura

Click me! This is a conversation over 2005 MSN email. Gustavo sends a strange email: it says, ''Hi Anna, grazi for making it site. It’s look very good *kissing emojis*. But u have a problem. *sad face with 90s nose*. Ur information not right. U say wrong my birth year and country. I am 1979 and my nationality is Italian. Pls fix. Xoxox''. Then it also has a sexy pose of Gustavo in a 2005-looking email signature as well as a quote from Italian actor Adriano Celentano that says ''Chi non lavora non fa l'amore'' in tacky velvet text as part of the email.